Rural Pharmacists Australia

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Opening Hours

M - F: 9.00am - 5.30pm Sat: 10.00am - 4.00pm Sun: 10.00am - 1.00pm


Rural Pharmacists Australia

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Rural Pharmacists Australia

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Rural Pharmacists Australia (RPA) is an alliance of five national pharmacy organisations representing the special interests of rural pharmacy.

Welcome to Rural Pharmacists Australia

XXX Health Fact sheet
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WHO guidance

Rural Pharmacists Australia (RPA) is an alliance of five national pharmacy organisations representing the special interests of rural pharmacy.

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Rural Pharmacy Forum

Rural Pharmacists Australia, together with the Guild, welcome all regional, rural and remote pharmacists to the 2025 Rural Pharmacy Forum.

“Rural Pharmacy: Adapt, Embrace, Succeed” 

In the evolving landscape of health care, regional, rural and remote pharmacies continue to face unique challenges and opportunities and access to healthcare for those in the community is often limited. The 2025 Rural Pharmacy Forum,

“Rural Pharmacy: Adapt, Embrace, Succeed,” is designed to equip rural pharmacists with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive amidst the journey to full scope of practice and provide patients with access to qualified healthcare professionals for treatment of everyday health conditions.

Key topics for discussion during the forum will include:

  • Understanding Change in Rural Pharmacy: Insights into current practice and future directions.
  • Adaptive Strategies: Practical approaches to integrate new practices such as full scope.

  • Leadership in Times of Change: Leading your team effectively.

The forum, co-hosted by the Guild and Rural Pharmacists Australia (RPA), will feature interactive sessions and activities utilising real-world case studies. The forum will build on the key themes identified by participants during the 2024 forum, which are specific to regional, rural and remote community pharmacy. Participants will gain actionable insights and strategies to adapt, embrace and succeed in a changing healthcare landscape.

Watch as Think in Colour visually capture the content, in real time, using a combination of words, shapes, symbols and imagery.

RPA and the Guild look forward to welcoming you to the Forum in March. More details on the program and speakers are available below.

Date: Thursday, 20 March 2025

Time: 2pm - 5.30pm

Venue: Meeting Room 7-8, Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Program and Speaker Information

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Welcome and Acknowledgement of Country

Georgina Twomey, Rural Pharmacists Australia Chair and Joe O'Malley, Guild Branch President Tasmania

The Forum in 2025 will be hosted by Georgina Twomey and Joe O'Malley.

Opening Address

Professor Jenny May AM, National Rural Health Commissioner

The role of the National Rural Health Commissioner (NRHC) is to lead work to improve rural health policies, strengthen the rural training pipeline and improve rural health workforce retention, whilst ensuring there remains a strong focus on the health needs of rural communities. This will be an opportunity to hear the priorities of the NRHC during her term.

Scope of Practice - Find Your Why!

Therese Lambert, TWC Sarina

This session will build on the Scope of Practice session from the 2024 Rural Pharmacy Forum, which highlights that pharmacists in rural and remote regions may be faced with unique challenges when it comes to studying, preparing for and implementing scope of practice. Identifying the 'why' when it comes to investing in full scope can help guide the way to ensuring rural pharmacists can practice to full scope and provide the healthcare needs of their communities. This session will provide insights from a qualified full scope pharmacist, who will share their reflections and learnings on their journey to full scope.

Full Scope and Rural Pharmacy? But how? Panel Discussion

Rural and remote areas have a shortage of healthcare professionals, especially doctors and specialists, so pharmacies play a vital role in these local health networks. A panel of up to four rural pharmacists from different jurisdictions across the nation will provide valuable advice and discuss their experiences on the stages of progressing towards full scope. Whether you are considering studying, recently qualified, implementing, or already rolling out services, this is an opportunity to ask questions about the journey to full scope in pharmacy.

Facilitator: Andrew Pattinson, Strategic Advisor, Guild Group

Panel Guests: Karen Carter, Owner, Carter's Pharmacy Gunnedah and Narrabri Pharmacy. Natalie Willis, National Councillor & Branch Senior Vice President, WA Branch.

Afternoon Tea

Rural Pharmacy Workshop - Key Issues, Innovative Solutions

Facilitator: Andrew Pattinson, Strategic Advisor, Guild Group

We know that regional, rural and remote pharmacies operate differently. This interactive session will reflect on the key issues identified by participants at the 2024 Forum which are specific to regional, rural and remote community pharmacy.

This will be followed by roundtable activity in small groups to discuss and problem-solve specific issues, such as workforce (recruitment/retention), staff training, professional isolation, infrastructure (cost of space), funding structures (for programs), customer expectations, and staff mental health and wellbeing.

This activity is an opportunity to provide alternative ways of thinking about these issues and bring a problem-solving perspective to rural and remote health issues.

This activity has been accredited for 1.0 hr of Group 1 CPD (or 1.0 CPD credit) suitable for inclusion in an individual pharmacist’s CPD plan which can be converted to 1.0 hr of Group 2 CPD (or 2.0 CPD credits) upon successful completion of relevant assessment activities.

Accreditation Number: A2503APP27 

Pharmacist Competencies: 1.3, 1.4. 1.5, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7

Takeaways - When I Get Back To The Pharmacy.....

Georgina Twomey, Rural Pharmacists Australia Chair and Joe O'Malley, Guild Branch President Tasmania.

I Love Rural Pharmacy Video Competition

Video Sponsor Address

Heidi Dariz, General Manager, Raven's Recruitment

This presentation will focus on recruitment and retention in rural and remote areas of Australia and all the current data gathered from our daily operations placing Pharmacists in Locum and Permanent roles in all corners of Australia.

I Love Rural Pharmacy - 'Rural Pharmacy - Our People, Our Strength'

This will be an opportunity for pharmacies to showcase the strategies regional, rural and remote community pharmacies are using to recruit and retain their pharmacy workforce. Entrants are encouraged to present different ways of thinking about rural and remote practice, including the rewards of living and working as a pharmacist in a rural or remote community.

Overall Best Video Winner - Raven's Recruitment Sponsorship Package

People's Choice Winner - FREE APP2026 Full Registration

Thank you and Forum Close

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The Rural Pharmacy video competition returns in 2025, with the theme of “Rural Pharmacy: Our People, Our Strength”. The competition is a...

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RPA Members

(c) Rural Pharmacists Australia

(c) Medicines Information Pty Ltd

XXX Health Fact sheet
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WHO guidance

Rural Pharmacists Australia are TEMPORARY FONT HOLDERS.

Prescriptions & Medicines