Rural Pharmacists Australia

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Opening Hours

M - F: 9.00am - 5.30pm Sat: 10.00am - 4.00pm Sun: 10.00am - 1.00pm


Rural Pharmacists Australia

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Rural Pharmacists Australia

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Rural Pharmacists Australia (RPA) is an alliance of five national pharmacy organisations representing the special interests of rural pharmacy.

Welcome to Rural Pharmacists Australia

XXX Health Fact sheet
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WHO guidance

Rural Pharmacists Australia (RPA) is an alliance of five national pharmacy organisations representing the special interests of rural pharmacy.

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Cultural Engagement Forum

Rural Pharmacists Australia, together with the Guild, welcome all pharmacists to the 2025 Cultural Engagement Forum.

“Community Pharmacy: Creating Cultural Connections” 

In 2025, join us for an enriching Cultural Engagement Forum designed to explore the role of community pharmacy in creating and enriching connections amongst the rich tapestry of cultures within our communities. The forum aims to foster community pharmacists’ understanding, respect, and ability to collaborate with their patients from diverse backgrounds.

The forum includes an engaging line up of speakers to help participants connect to the theme of the forum. Through the forum, participants will gain greater understanding and knowledge about the provision of culturally safe services and care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, which will inform improved practice and outcomes in their work. Participants will be challenged and have an opportunity to learn, grow and be enriched through their involvement in the forum.

In 2025, the Cultural Engagement Video Competition returns, also with the theme of “Community Pharmacy, Creating Cultural Connections”. This is an opportunity for community pharmacies across Australia to emphasise the role of community pharmacies plays in the health and wellness and showcase how they are responsive to their patients’ needs and provide a culturally safe healthcare environment. Prizes include a free full APP2026 Registration (including the Street Party) for Best Video winner.

Watch as Think in Colour visually capture the content, in real time, using a combination of words, shapes, symbols and imagery.

RPA and the Guild look forward to welcoming you to the Forum in March. More details on the program and speakers are available below.

Date: Saturday, 22 March 2025

Time: 10:45am - 1:30pm

Venue: Meeting Room 7-8, Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Program and Speaker Information

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Welcome and Acknowledgement of Country

Georgina Twomey, Rural Pharmacists Australia Chair and Joe O'Malley, Guild Branch President Tasmania

The Forum in 2025 will be hosted by Georgina Twomey and Joe O'Malley.

Opening Speakers

Prof Rebekah Moles, The University of Sydney 

An update on the current research which aim improve the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by tackling the health issues experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and how these opportunities aim to improve health outcomes and close the gap on health mortality and morbidity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Alex Burke, The University of Sydney

A reflection of Alex’s journey to now, where he is currently completing his PhD at The University of Sydney, where he continues to shape the way pharmacy and health students are taught about Aboriginal culture and indigenous health.

Dr Sarira El-Den & Dr Jack Collins, The University of Sydney

Co-led by Dr Sarira El-Den from the University of Sydney and Dr Jack Collins from the University of Sydney, “Creating Mental Health Safe Spaces in Pharmacy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Consumers: Educating the primary care workforce in Mental Health First Aid (The MH-SPACE Trial)” aims to address the disproportionate lack of adequate mental health support available to First Nations Australians by upskilling the frontline, primary care workforce, namely community pharmacists – who are highly accessible and trusted healthcare professionals. The trial has been co-designed with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experts with expertise and experience in pharmacy, co-design and mental health, from design through to evaluation, ensuring pharmacists’ training is culturally informed, sensitive to, and reflective of the needs of First Nations peoples.

Accreditation Number: A2503APP22

This activity has been accredited for 1.0 hr of Group 1 CPD (or 1.0 CPD credit) suitable for inclusion in an individual pharmacist’s CPD plan which can be converted to 1.0 hr of Group 2 CPD (or 2.0 CPD credits) upon successful completion of relevant assessment activities.

Pharmacist Competencies: 1.2, 1.6, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.6

Afternoon Tea

Guest Speaker

Mike Stephens, Director of Medicines Policy and Programs

National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) 


NACCHO is the national peak body representing 145 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) across the country on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing issues. NACCHO is committed to supporting, developing and maintaining culturally appropriate health care services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Ask Me Anything Panel Session

Ask Me Anything is an opportunity where the floor is opened to the forum participants to ask questions to the panel on anything they have heard during the forum or anything else they want to know about.

Facilitator: Kellie Beckenham, Credentialled Diabetes Educator and pharmacist


  • Kirra Natty (First Nations pharmacist)
  • Alex Burke (First Nations pharmacist, PhD student)
  • Mike Stephens (NACCHO)
  • Summah Holden (Second Year Pharmacy Student, University of Canberra)

Cultural Engagement Video Competition

“Community Pharmacy – Creating Cultural Connections”

Community pharmacies play a crucial role in creating cultural connections by serving as accessible healthcare hubs for diverse populations.

The video competition is an opportunity to showcase and emphasise the role of community pharmacies in promoting health and wellness while welcoming and celebrating the diversity of cultures in their own community.

Best Video winner announced (winner decided prior to APP)
Prize: Free full registration to APP2025 including the Street Party.

People’s Choice Video Competition Winner

Prize: $500 contribution to Cultural Training for pharmacy

Awards presented by the Guild’s National President.

Thank you and Forum Close

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In 2025, the Cultural Engagement Video Competition returns with the 2025 theme being “Community Pharmacy, Creating Cultural Connections”.We i...
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RPA Members

(c) Rural Pharmacists Australia

(c) Medicines Information Pty Ltd

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Rural Pharmacists Australia are TEMPORARY FONT HOLDERS.

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